English for speakers of other languages

 Mānuka School ESoL Programme

(English for Speakers of other Languages)

Mānuka School welcomes students coming from different parts of the world.

Our school is rich in cultural diversity. We value the contribution that students and families from different countries bring to our school community. Many of our students’ families have migrated to New Zealand in the last decade. We are proud to make everyone feel welcome at our school. 

Our school community includes families from the following cultures : Tangata Whenua - Māori, Bulgarian, Brazilian, Cambodia, Chinese, Eygptian, Filipino, Fijian-Indian, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Macedonian, Middle-Eastern, Nepalese, Romanian, Samoan, South African, European, South Korean, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, Tongan and Vietnamese. 

The ESOL programme caters for Years 1-6. We operate a withdrawal programme where small groups of children with similar abilities receive intensive language support. This year Mrs Smith is teaching the senior students.  Mrs Fenton and Mrs Kirsten Phillips are teaching the junior students. 

Each year in the summer we have a Cultural Parade.  Every child gets to celebrate their own heritage and culture by sharing their traditional clothing, flags and traditions. This is a beautiful celebration of our multicultural community.

Mānuka Primary School