Mathematics at Manuka school
We teach one hour mathematics each day of the week. We integrate basic facts, numeracy skills, strand mathematics (measurement, geometry, statistics) and have a strong emphasis on problem solving strategies
Junior school Mathematics
Mathematics is taught daily in every junior class. The children are taught to use a range of skills through small group lessons, activities and games.
All mathematical concepts are first taught using a wide range of physical materials. The children are then challenged to use these skills in problem solving situations.
We also have a range of digital resources that the children can use to learn in different ways.
Senior school mathematics
In our Senior school, Mathematics is taught for an hour each day in every class. The children are taught to use a range of skills in the mathematics strands of number, geometry, statistics, algebra and measurement.
All mathematical concepts are first taught using a wide range of physical materials. The children are then taught to use a range of written and mental strategies that can be used with this type of problem. The children are challenged to use their skills in in a wide range of problem solving tasks.