VISION : Inspiring today's learners for tomorrow's world ...
Our Purpose
As a community of learning our aim is to work collaboratively, strengthening pathways for our students throughout their educational journey. This will involve developing a holistic pathway, acknowledging each student’s strengths, as they transition through various educational providers within our community. Robust and rigorous data analysis around our students will be shared across our educational providers.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a community of inquiry that promotes student achievement and lifelong learning.
We will strengthen links between early childhood, primary, intermediate, secondary and tertiary sectors within our community to ensure that student needs are met. Students will be supported and challenged in their learning environment to set and achieve personal learning goals. We will work in partnership with students, parents and whānau to raise student achievement and provide a clear local education pathway for all.
We aim to :
Raise student achievement in writing and maths
Raise achievement in reading for Year 1 students
Raise achievement in NCEA at Levels 1, 2, 3 and UE
Raise achievement for all learners by strengthening all learning focused relationships
We will achieve this by working together in five focus areas:
Student Agency
Teacher Agency
Leadership Capability
Community Agency
Transitions between educational providers
Our Community
The Kaipātiki Community is set on the North Shore of Auckland, predominantly in the suburb of Glenfield. The student population is highly ethnically diverse, with 40% European/Pākehā, 13% Māori, 8% Pasifika and 33% Asian students in the 2015 cohort.
The community consists of six primary schools, a special school, one intermediate and one secondary school. The schools involved in the Kaipātiki Community of Learning are: Bayview Primary, Glenfield Primary, Glenfield Intermediate, Glenfield College, Manuka Primary, Marlborough Primary, Target Road School, Wairau Valley Special School and Windy Ridge Primary. Three state kindergartens are also involved in the Kaipātiki Community of Learning; Marlborough, Glenfield and Bayview.
The schools in the Kaipātiki area have a long history of cooperation and collaboration; most recently (since Term 3 of 2014) these schools have been working together as a Learning Community Network. This was a result of discussion at the Principal's Cluster level where it was identified that all schools were focussed on strengthening home-school partnerships. From this point it was decided that an aspiration of the cluster was to develop a clear educational pathway through the community.
The Kaipātiki Community of Learning is committed to creating links with early childhood education and this process has begun with the creation of a ‘ECE Link Group’ which involves representatives from the ECE sector. The community will remain open to future links with Tertiary and Vocational institutions where possible.
Our Achievement Challenges
The Kaipātiki Community of Learning has five key achievement challenges that were identified using the 2015 cluster data. Within each of these achievement challenges, the Kaipātiki Community of Learning has identified specific groups of target students. These groups will be reviewed at the start of each year. This review will involve using AoV data from individual schools as well as the cluster data collated by the Ministry of Education.
As the Kaipātiki Community of Learning, our focus is on all underachieving students showing accelerated progress towards the expected standard.
By the end of 2020, our goals are:
Achievement Challenge 1: Writing (All Year levels)
At least 85% of students will be achieving AT or ABOVE the National Standard for writing
At least 85% of students will be achieving AT or ABOVE Level 5 by the end of Year 10
Achievement Challenge 2: Mathematics (All Year levels)
At least 85% of students will be achieving AT or ABOVE the National Standard for mathematics
At least 85% of students will be achieving AT or ABOVE Level 5 by the end of Year 10
Achievement Challenge 3: Reading (After 1 year at school)
At least 85% of students will be achieving AT or ABOVE the National Standard for reading
Achievement Challenge 4: NCEA (Year 12 / Level 2)
At least 85% of school leavers from Glenfield College will have a minimum of NCEA Level 2
At least 65% of participating students will gain UE attainment
At least 95% of students to gain NCEA L1 ‘Literacy’
At least 95% of students to gain NCEA L1 ‘Numeracy’
Achievement Challenge 5 A-C: Wairau Valley Special School
Our challenge is for all students who are achieving at or above P Level 4 using the BSquared Assessment Tool, will make 50% increase either within the level or a move to the next level in a in Reading, Writing and Number. Targeted students will be accelerated between 70 to 85%.
Manuka School Kahui Ako News
Mrs Lidia Bush and Miss Aubrey Orne- Adams are Manuka School's In School Leaders for the Community of Learning.
Along with the Manuka School Board of Trustees and the Senior Leadership Team, they ensure that all students achieve success.