Play based learning
Not just playing around
At Mānuka School we consider Play-Based Learning (PBL) to be a great way to engage our students in learning. It is a child-centered and interest-driven way to learn, that meets the developmental and wellbeing needs of individual children.
Play-based Learning is designed to help children feel safe to try new things, enhance their sense of wonder and learn resilience, cooperation, negotiation, respect for others and a strong sense of belonging.
When children start at school from a range of homes and early learning centres, they arrive with a sense of wonder and natural curiosity.
Our Play-Based Learning environment aims to make the transition from preschool/home into school as smooth, enjoyable, highly motivating and engaging as possible. Play-Based Learning is a part of the classroom programme up to year three.
In our new entrant classes, the children engage in Play-Based Learning most afternoons. In the year 1 - 3 classrooms, the children engage in play based learning at least one afternoon per week. Play is integrated into many aspects of inquiry based learning on the other afternoons. A play-based learning shed, full of exciting equipment, is open for the junior children to explore during their lunch times.