Respect is a value that we place great emphasis on. Wearing the school uniform correctly is a sign of respect for our school.
We are eager to uphold the standard of our uniform and the expectations of how the uniform is to be worn.
We have Mānuka School sunhats for sale at NZ Uniforms - we would like to see all students wearing the Mānuka hat.
It is our preference that hair is not dyed at primary age. Any girls wearing large bows or headbands with cat ears etc. will be asked to remove them.
Our regular Mufti days are opportunities for students to express their individuality and have coloured hair and accessories such as oversized ribbons, headbands and funky hair.
School uniform is compulsory for all children Y0 to Y6. Please ensure all items of clothing are named before your child starts school.
Lost property can be found at the rear of the school hall – teachers are not accountable for your child’s lost uniform and will not be conducting searches for the lost items. Long sleeved t-shirts are not permitted under the school uniform.
Leggings should not be worn; if your child is cold she may wear navy or black tights only.
Children joining a school sports team will be required to purchase a PE uniform from our school office. Please visit our school website to view purchasing information.
We have a Uniform policy that reads;
Students are expected and encouraged to take pride in their general appearance.
The uniform is available from NZ uniforms. Some used uniform items are available in the office or advertised in the school newsletter.
The only jewellery permitted is watches and earstuds.
Continued or blatant disregard of the dress code is dealt with through our behaviour management plan.
See our school website for our uniform information.
All students are expected to wear plain black shoes - these can be plain black sandals in the summer months.
There are two easy ways to buy your child’s school uniform
Purchase in store.
Visit our Albany store to purchase your Manuka Primary
School uniforms.
NZ Uniforms Albany
19a Douglas Alexander Parade, Albany, 0632
T 09 477 6300 E albany@nzuniforms.com
Purchase Online
Visit our website
www.nzuniforms.com and click on Find Your School or Club
on the home page this will direct you to the webstore page so you can purchase your Manuka Primary School Uniform.
enter the below address in your web browser.
Our Uniform consists of 12 items of clothing only.
You can see the 12 items at NZ Uniforms
The only addition to this is socks; they must be either black, white or navy blue.
Please note
Girls may wear stockings but they must be black or navy blue.
Schools shoes should be plain black shoes or sandals. No fashion boots, jandals or gumboots are to be worn.
A skivvy or a long sleeved thermal is NOT a part of our school uniform.
Any child wearing non regulation clothing will be given a note to take home and asked to wear the correct uniform the following day.

Sports Uniform
We are asking for all children participating in any sports events outside of our school to purchase the red t-shirt.
The blue shorts are optional.
The red t-shirt is $20 and the sizes we have available are … 6,8,10,12,14
The blue shorts are $20 and the sizes we have available are… 8,10,12,14
They can be purchased from the School Shop on the front page of the website.